
Showing posts from September, 2017

So, I Was In Hospital...Again

So, this isn't initially what I planned to write about but hey life happens. From a young age I've been sick, in and out of hospital getting diagnosed with this and that and then re-diagnosed etc. etc., this led to my life philosophy of #NoRugrats . But to be honest yesterday was the first time I genuinely feared for my life because I didn't know what was wrong. Ok, let me start from the beginning. Around 3:00 yesterday morning I was woken up by a sharp tummy pain. Now, for as long as I can remember I've been a deep sleeper to the point where fire alarms don't wake me up, so to be woken up by pain was a serious concern. Don't ask me why but in my half asleep state I thought that a quick wee and brushing my teeth would fix all my problems, so I went to the toilet and jumped back into bed. But the pain just got worse. I struggled to find a comfortable sleeping position. After about 30 minutes I made the biggest mistake: I googled my symptoms. Rule number ...

My Views, My Thoughts: Teenage Mums

So, Kylie Jenner is supposedly pregnant. Now, like most people of my generation, whether I like it or not I often find myself reading about the Kardashians. Regardless, of your opinion on them, they are definitely one the most influential families of our time, with their monopoly over the reality TV world and dipping their hands into nearly every single industry, it's hard to not respect their work ethic. But back to Kylie. With her lips kits, kyshadows and other makeup items she has amassed a lot of money over a relatively short period of time, making her one of the richest 20 year olds on the planet. Yesterday, rumours popped up all over social media and the internet as a whole that she was pregnant. Some same it's a publicity stunt, some think the story is real but for argument sake let's say I believe it. As she just turned 20 and is reportedly 4 months pregnant, just for the sake of this blog I'm going to classify her as a teen mum. Now, she isn't the first...

Wow I'm Definitely Struggling

So, the clue to the idea of a daily blog is in the name but I've definitely not been posting daily for a bit now. For that I apologise, that isn't what you signed up for. With my first lecture of second year happening tomorrow, this means uni is officially starting so I'm going to have even less time. Now, my issue with posting daily isn't that I don't have ideas, opinions or things I want to write about, it's that I'm struggling with finding time to write and edit posts. So, I'm going to start posting twice a week and seeing how that goes until I figure out how to organise my time more effectively. Wish me luck.

I'm Back!!!!

Hey guys, so a lot of you DM’d me because you noticed I haven't posted in a couple of days and you were worried so I just want to say thanks for the concern. Even though I can't see your faces there is a mutual respect and so I feel the need to explain why. Today three years ago my grandad passed away. Now, at the time I didn't deal with it properly emotionally so 3 years later even when I think about him I burst into tears. To combat this, I've tried to stop thinking about him or focus on other things so intensely I've made myself physically unwell. I'm the type of person that my mental health heavily impacts the state of my physical health. I haven't slept properly for the last 3 days and the other night I definitely went overboard with drinking on a night out just to combat the feelings that I've left dormant for so long. In conclusion my mental health care is crap. To make matters worse, when I don't sleep my ankles swell so currently I can ...

Life Update: Failing Miserably

So, little update I'm failing at this emotional journey thing. P.S. hopefully when I'm less teary tomorrow I'll explain

My Life Motto: #NoRugrats

So, why is my life motto # NoRugrats? Well, one of my favourite shows was Devious Maids. It's about a group of maids that have to solve the murder of their fellow maid when one of their children is falsely accused. In an episode, one of the maids' daughter get a tattoo that says no regrets but its spelled incorrectly. Hence my motto # NoRugrats.    India 2015 Now, this life motto isn't about getting incorrectly spelled tattoo but instead about living life to the fullest with no regrets. As I get older I have to start planning my future and I don't want to look back in 10 years’ time and wish I took more advantage of my youth. Currently, my only responsibility is me. I have no kids, no husband, no mortgage to pay; I'm young and free so I need to take advantage of that. With the rise of social media as a generation we have access to more opportunities and therefore more money. There are now more young millionaires than ever before and with the rise of YouTube ...