So, I Was In Hospital...Again
So, this isn't initially what I planned to write about but hey life happens. From a young age I've been sick, in and out of hospital getting diagnosed with this and that and then re-diagnosed etc. etc., this led to my life philosophy of #NoRugrats . But to be honest yesterday was the first time I genuinely feared for my life because I didn't know what was wrong. Ok, let me start from the beginning. Around 3:00 yesterday morning I was woken up by a sharp tummy pain. Now, for as long as I can remember I've been a deep sleeper to the point where fire alarms don't wake me up, so to be woken up by pain was a serious concern. Don't ask me why but in my half asleep state I thought that a quick wee and brushing my teeth would fix all my problems, so I went to the toilet and jumped back into bed. But the pain just got worse. I struggled to find a comfortable sleeping position. After about 30 minutes I made the biggest mistake: I googled my symptoms. Rule number ...