I'm Back!!!!

Hey guys, so a lot of you DM’d me because you noticed I haven't posted in a couple of days and you were worried so I just want to say thanks for the concern. Even though I can't see your faces there is a mutual respect and so I feel the need to explain why.

Today three years ago my grandad passed away. Now, at the time I didn't deal with it properly emotionally so 3 years later even when I think about him I burst into tears. To combat this, I've tried to stop thinking about him or focus on other things so intensely I've made myself physically unwell. I'm the type of person that my mental health heavily impacts the state of my physical health. I haven't slept properly for the last 3 days and the other night I definitely went overboard with drinking on a night out just to combat the feelings that I've left dormant for so long. In conclusion my mental health care is crap. To make matters worse, when I don't sleep my ankles swell so currently I can also barely walk and I’ve still got commitments to a society at uni that I'm supposed to help out with today.

In an attempt to take a small step towards a better me I've taken the morning off to start processing how I feel about my grandad and other feeling I've suppressed for too long. So, I'll report back tomorrow and tell you how my little conversation with myself went.

Wish me luck!
