My Life Motto: #NoRugrats

So, why is my life motto #NoRugrats? Well, one of my favourite shows was Devious Maids. It's about a group of maids that have to solve the murder of their fellow maid when one of their children is falsely accused. In an episode, one of the maids' daughter get a tattoo that says no regrets but its spelled incorrectly. Hence my motto #NoRugrats.

India 2015
Now, this life motto isn't about getting incorrectly spelled tattoo but instead about living life to the fullest with no regrets. As I get older I have to start planning my future and I don't want to look back in 10 years’ time and wish I took more advantage of my youth. Currently, my only responsibility is me. I have no kids, no husband, no mortgage to pay; I'm young and free so I need to take advantage of that. With the rise of social media as a generation we have access to more opportunities and therefore more money. There are now more young millionaires than ever before and with the rise of YouTube and meme stars you don't even need a traditional talent to be famous. The term over-night success is no longer an exaggeration but a reality. This means that the majority of us who aren't YouTube stars or Instagram famous can feel like we're behind. But remember you are young embrace it. 

Malta 2016
Don't get it twisted planning for your future is important, I even have tabs for internship applications open as I'm writing this. But we need to remember how to live in the moment and embrace our youth. This is why I travel as much as I can and do extreme sports even though I'm scared and those are the best memories. Maybe I think this way because from ages 12-17 I was constantly ill and on medication with headaches. The term brain tumour was in air of my consultations with specialists and the idea of me being here today was more of a dream than a reality. But I made it so I'm going to live my life with no regrets, so far I'm doing ok.

Paris 2016
I like to think of my life as a field and every experience a seed. So at the start of my life the field was empty but fertile, read and raring to nurture the opportunities I'm going to experience. As I have more amazing experiences the field grows and grows, becoming just fabulous. Currently my field isn't even half full as my insecurities held me back from living my best life but no more. I'm ready to travel the world, do extreme sports, fall in love, push myself to the limits and then just a little bit further. 

Portugal 2017
My first year results day was the only results I've ever been happy with in my academic career because for the first exam season ever I knew I was going to be alive. There's nothing more un- motivating than death lol. But now that that's out the way I'm giving myself the ultimate challenge: to have it all. GCSEs I prioritised TV as an escape, A-Levels I privatised work to buy things as a distraction, 1st year I slightly prioritised going out but still got a 2:1 but this year I'm chasing the game. I'm having it all. I'm a committee member of a society I genuinely care about succeeding, I'm applying for internship to do over Easter, summer and for a placement year, I'm applying for part-time jobs so that I can work alongside uni, I'm still adding on Mandarin to my degree and I'll still be going on nights out with my friends. 

Will this be hard? Yes
Will I have any regrets? Hopefully not, but I definitely won't regret at least trying to have it all.

#NoRugrats forever and ever
