
Goodbye 2017

So, this is the last post of this year and I don't know where to start. Firstly, thank you. All of you. Thank you for reading, for DM'ing me, for encouraging me. I know I've said this a million times but I honestly never thought I was good at writing. To be brutally honest I've always described myself as not articulate because of my stammer and I guess just lack of self confidence in general. But if you guys keep reading either I'm ok at this writing thing or I'm so bad you guys keep coming back to laugh. Either way I'm excelling at one end of the spectrum. Anyway, forget the mushy stuff now let's focus on the new year. As you know JadeEgemonye.Com is enroute and I asked you guys to tell me what you think I could do to improve. My first mistake was only doing the poll was one day as many of you DM'd me saying it had closed by the time you went to vote, so for my next poll I left it for longer. But anyway the results as in. Starting from Tuesday 2...

Christmas Vibes

So, firstly I hope everyone had a fab Christmas.  Christmas is a big deal in my house. Usually my house is filled with anyone and everyone slightly related to my family. From aunties, uncle, cousins to friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, family friends the whole lot. My mum and auntie tend to split the food cooking down the middle with my auntie bringing all the Nigerian food and my mum cooking the roasts. Then we play Monopoly or Cluedo which usually ends in arguments that someone cheated, watch the Queen's Speech and EastEnders (even though we haven't watched it throughout the year). By 4am everyone has left or found a place on the sofa or the floor to sleep over and Christmas is done. But as with the whole of 2017, this year was different. Firstly, there were no kids. My auntie in America didn't fly over as she had a baby a few months ago, one of my uncles couldn't come and the other is a mental health nurse so he was working. So it was only my mum, my sister, ...

Making Plans

In case you don't follow me on social media (which you should on Twitter  and  Instagram ) yesterday I started the official countdown for the launch of : my new blog. It's launching at 5pm on January 1st, so I can start the new year right. But I need to make some changes. So firstly, the time that I post. Initially I posted in between 4am-6am because that's when I wrote them, then I changed to 12pm and then 8pm and now 5pm. At no point did I think to ask you guys what you thought would be best, which probably would have been a good idea. Instead I just randomly picked times in the day depending on my mood. Secondly, the frequency of my posts. First it was daily, then once a week, then twice a week and now three times a week. Again I didn't ask you guys what would be best. Thirdly what I write about. Funnily enough the ones that I think "oh yeah this is fab" don't do as well and the ones that I just casually write are the most popular one...

Short, Sweet But Had To Be Said

Ok cool so, my decision to move more into fashion. I feel like I grazed across the real reason and wasnt completely honest which was the whole point of this blog: to be more honest with myself. So, let's try again. Yes, it's true I've always loved fashion. Yes, it's true that I started a blog when I was 16. No, that's not all there is to the story. Without sounding too dramatic this is throwing it back to emotional Jade. It's 4:30am, I'm listening to Daniel Ceaser and I'm back in my room in London. I'm feeling a weird mixture of deja vu and comfort in the familiarity of my surroundings, so maybe thats why I'm being candid but yeah here we go. So, writing about the sadness, depressive emotions I feel is draining. Writing about it to a schedule is exhausting. Writing about it and people reading it is weird. Writing about it and people telling you they've read it makes you feel exposed. All in all I'm tired. I want to use this not only...