Summer Loving

So time for a bit of good old fashioned reflection.

Ok, cool. So I was planning to skip today's post because I have nothing new going on and I wasn't feeling super inspired by anything. I was scrolling through my Instagram and remembering all the great trips I've been on and all the fab experiences I've had but they all seem to start from 2016 summer.

I'm not really sure what happened to me that year 11 summer but my confidence grew and I no longer hated taking photos. Before that I despised taking pictures because I never looked as good as my friends or family. Both my mum and my sister are natural posers so I relegated myself to their photographer, only jumping in front of the camera when I was forced to at family events. Looking back it's actually sad because a lot of those memories aren't documented.

Anywho fasted forward to year 11 summer arguably the most influential time of my life. I made loads of new friends, starting liking myself and just generally became better. That summer set the foundations of all other summers to come and without it I don't know who I would be today. It's weird to think how 10 weeks of no school would have such a large and lasting affect on me but it did. Then the summer when I turned 18 I made it my mission to enjoy it to the fullest. I went to three different countries with friends, started a charity, ate at amazing restaurants, met fabulous people and just generally lived my best life. Thankfully, last summer was just more of the same.

So, it's November and time to start making plans for summer 2018 the first summer of being an adult and it has to be epic. Holidays are a must, adventures are guaranteed but now I have a new challenge my future career. As part of my degree I have a year in industry which means I work in my ideal future career for a year then go back to uni hopefully with a guaranteed job for when I graduate. Am I excited to get a realistic idea of what my life will be like? Yes. But what does this mean for my epic summer plans.

While it may seem juvenile summers are still an important time for me. Yes in reality it's only a time when there's no lectures or deadline but to me it's the only guaranteed time for myself. I can be completely selfish and just do what I want. It's my freedom, it's my peaceful time. It's purely my time.

So, now the question is what is my next step to recreating that summer vibe? That relaxing, carefree, happy feeling when I'm living my best life. If I figure it out I'll let you know.
