My Revelation Moment

So, surprise surprise it's 3am and I'm in my feelings deeping life.

As I said before I'm on a journey with my emotions. This may surprise people who don't know me on a deep level because I find it very easy to express my views, especially in public.

From a young age I've appreciated and respected the power of knowledge. This matched with my love of reading led me to seek knowledge in a 'broad and not deep' approach. Meaning that I aimed (and still aim) to know a little about everything instead of a lot about one thing. So, when it comes to discussions I am very happy and confident to discuss almost anything as I usually at least have the foundation of the topic somewhere in my brain and if I don't know anything about it then it's a great time to learn.

For example ask me about my views on who my favourite superhero is (black widow), why all feminism isn't intersectional (someone actually needs to explain this to me) or even on Cardi B (love her); I'm ready with facts, figures and reasons for all my views. But ask me about how I feel about my mum, the backbone of my life, or my friends, my personal guardian angels and comedians rolled into one, and I get all uncomfortable. Even now sitting in bed in my pyjamas I'm rushing to move on from thinking about my loved ones.

So in short that's why I started this blog.

As a way to force myself to explore my emotions and whatever else is in my brain apart from my love of cake, clothes and jazz.

This is also going to be the first time I'm going to share this blog with the world as up until now I have barely told anyone.

So shoutout to my curly-haired mini twin sister from another planet for forcing me to share this.

Yeah bye.

P.S. this is the first post I've had to go back and rewrite, just to illustrate how early on in my emotional journey I am
